Malaysia and Singapore are so close to each other, however, for Malaysian and Singaporean consumers there are quite a lot of differences between them.
Personally, for us, a group of Malaysian consumers, we think that most Malaysian consumers do not bother so much about the environment, in other way of saying this is not Eco-friendly. Besides that, maybe because of the Malaysian living style, they are more specific on selling price, they will ask themselves "is it worth to spend so much on these items or services?" before they buy it. However, we are still considered as the group of consumers that have less pressure, more relaxed as well as not bothered so much if compared to Singaporean consumers.
Meanwhile, it is sad to say that, Malaysian consumers like to buy pirated products and they are too traditional and resulted in we can hardly have variety of shops such as adult shops in this country. However, the the pros of this traditional style is, it cause less morality problems especially for a country with majority of Muslims.
In the other hand, Singaporean consumers will be more concerned about the environment, we can see from the way that they used to bringing green bags whenever they go shopping. For the majority of them, they are more focused on good quality so they will spend more for good qualities. Different with Malaysians, they prefer comfort so they always go for comfort such as shopping complexes and restaurant with air-conditional. Indirectly, this limited the places they choose to go and become a sort of pressure.
Further more, Singaporean consumers are so competitive among each other. They are brand conscious so we always hear that Singaporeans are "kiasu" and "kiasi", which means "scared of losing" and "scared of dying"-These are not from Malaysians but from Singaporeans themselves. Although it is not good for listening, but that is the truth we must admit! In this country we can find variety of outlets and shops such as adults shops because Singaporean are more open-minded but the cons is that, this will also lead to some morality problems especially towards the youngster!
From these we can see that although Malaysia and Singapore are "neighbours" but we still have lots of different between retailers of these countries!
Assignment Presentation
15 years ago
good observations there...your comparison essay is well-written although you do make some generalizations.